We analyzed the top 50 search terms placed in the Provi Marketplace in Q1, ‘22. Nearly 480,000 searches took place in the marketplace during this timeframe.

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Top Search Data in Provi Market Place

Pulse Insights

Businesses love their brands

Out of nearly 480,000 total searches, 86% of the top 50 search terms were branded searches (bud light) over generic searches (lagers). This suggests that Provi users are intentional in their search, vastly preferring to search for specific brands over sifting through generic search category pages like “lagers.” This is good news for brands with a high level of brand visibility, category leaders and back bar staples, as buyers are more likely to search and purchase these products quickly.

It’s also beneficial for brands looking to increase market share, as bidding on a main competitor's branded term (when a competitor's brand is searched, your brand appears first) is an effective tactic to convert buyers. On Provi, approximately 1 out of every 7 buyers that search a branded term convert on a product OTHER than the product searched.

Looking forward: As on- and off-premise buyers continue to be intentional in specific brand product searches, suppliers can maintain market share and increase sales through advertising and bidding on owned search and conquest search term placements.

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